Friday, April 12, 2019

Fun Friday!

Greetings, friends! It is yet another Friday and it was a fairly busy week as usual. Not much planned for this weekend except perhaps a bit of cleaning up around the house. 😸

For dinner last night, I cooked up a large ham slice and added a side of leftover rice ...

And also a side of garlic butter macaroni so that I would have a side dish as well with her ham as there was not enough rice left for two dinners.

I made my last baked cake until Beltane - a lemon cake with vanilla frosting - one of my mom's favorites! I plan on making a red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting and decorating it with green leaves using green-colored icing for our Beltane ritual in May. 💓💓💓


And finally, an extra pic my friend Stew sent me that he took with his cellphone camera from Wednesday afternoon ...

)o(          )o(          )o(          )o(         )o(        )o(         )o(

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Gosh that cake looks yummy. Oh, I would so have a ball with that oven. Hoping more for more room when and if I move.

    1. Thanks, Mary! I do not think I have ever enjoyed cooking and baking so much as I have since I got these things - LOVE THEM SOO MUCH and they are so easy to use, too!

  2. You had me at cake! It looks delicious. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. LOL! I am a huge fan of snacky sweet food - especially cakes and cookies. Thanks, CJ - you have a great weekend as well!

  3. Cake looks good :)

    All the best Jan

  4. Everything looks so yummy! Love your picture! Big Hugs!
