Thursday, April 11, 2019

Throwback Thursday

I can count the number of long-time treasured friends which I have been blessed with in my life on one hand. Here are some pics of a couple of treasured souls who I just simply love to the moon and back! The first one is of my friend Willow and I taken on our very first Beltane celebration together back in 1996 ...

... and from Yule in 1998 ...
A more recent pic taken a couple of years ago ...

An old photo from a public Midsummer celebration held by our Pagan group at that time - O.P.E.N. - Old Paths Enlighenter's Network. That is our dear friend and High Priestess/Reiki Master Lady Sabrina Rhiannon in the middle ...

Yesterday, my friend Stew and I had a special get together lunch as we always try to do whenever he is in PA. Here is an old pic of him playing "air guitar" ... ha ha ha!
A couple of old pics of us taken back in the 90's ...
And a pic taken just yesterday ...
A few pics from yesterday's lunch ...
Stew treated me to A DELICIOUS lunch at Giovanni's -  I had the grilled chicken sub with cheese and mayo and he had a yummy ham and cheese sandwich with french fries.
I brought him some of my freshly baked chocolate cupcakes and a slice of strawberry cake for dessert later.

Stew 'n' me taking a selfie together ... LOL! Love ya, Stew!


  1. Looks like good times. The butterfly cartoon made me giggle. Thanks for starting my day off bright.

  2. It is wonderful that you have such wonderful friends and so many old and new memories to treasures!!!

    Hugs ❤

  3. Love seeing your pictures. It's wonderful that you have these lifelong friends. I do and I don't. We lost contact for about 50 years but found each other again. I guess in a way that is a lifelong friendship even though we have so many missing years.

  4. So nice seeing all of your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  5. What a great post Kim! Loved all the pictures! So happy you had a great time with your friend Stew! Big Hugs!
