Friday, April 19, 2019

Fun Friday!

Happy Friday! I have been busy for the past two days cleaning up downstairs in the cellar. I have been starting to organize everything for our Beltane ritual coming up soon. I am pretty excited as I always enjoy special times with my sister Aurora Skye. The Beltane altar so far. The heart-shaped glass dish is for our cakes offering this year ...

Just an old photo blast from the past of an Ostara celebration gathering a few years back ...

On Tuesday, I found a great deal on a mini refrigerator for the downstairs. I have been wanting one of these for a few years now and I can use it to store our ritual libation i.e. wine, sparkling apple cider, and soda and juices, etc. It is the perfect size for what I need it for ...

While organizing one of my metal shelves, I came across an old black shoe phone that I bought many, MANY years ago at Spencer's Gifts. I forgot that I had it and it still works so Brett set it up in my reiki room to use ... 😎

Not sure if I ever mentioned this before, but I am and always have been a major Star Trek fan - you know, a "Trekkie." I am talking big-time - Trek Conventions and posters, pins, autographed photos of some of the actors, etc. I especially enjoyed meeting and talking to Denise Crosby - such a wonderful lady! I really loved Walter Koenig as well and he shared so many great stories with all of us fans. So that being said, I just had to pick up this awesome new magazine at the store yesterday ... "Live long, and prosper!" 👽🙏
With this week being the relatives religious holiday of Easter, we are all going to spend the day at a cousin's for dinner and a family gathering and such. It is good to get my mom and MIL out of their houses and socializing with the rest of the family - it is so very important. 

And now a little holiday humor. Have a Blessed Easter holiday for those of you and/or your families who celebrate it. Have a great weekend all!!! 💗💖💞💟


  1. You have been very busy. I really do need to start organizing but my back is holding me up. Enjoy your Easter dinner.

  2. I need to get down to the basement to organize. That shoe phone is so fun! Spencer Gift's, that's a blast from the past! I loved Star Trek. My <3 belongs to De Kelley. Live long and prosper. And enjoy the weekend celebration.

  3. Happy Easter Kim! Good for you, cleaning up! I love that shoe! What fun! You could probably sell it and make some money on it! LOL! Love the Easter funnies! Big Hugs!

  4. One of our sons is a huge Star Trek fan …
    Happy Easter Wishes.

    All the best Jan
