Thursday, April 18, 2019

Throwback Thursday

Greetings everyone. It is time for another 'Throwback Thursday' share. My friend, Kristy, and I go way back from our High School and band days when I was a twirler and she was tenor saxophone player. She lived right up the road from me when we were growing up and we used to spend many good times - sleepovers, birthday parties, etc., at her house. After graduation, she moved away and went to college and I only saw her a couple of times when she visited her folks back home here. It was not until a couple of years ago that we met back up again via Facebook. Ironically, we found out that we were both ordained U.L.C. ministers who also practice Wicca/paganism and reiki - I am a certified Reiki Second Level and she is a Reiki Master. Oh yes, and she is also a huge cat lover and enthusiast like me! Small world as they say ... 👐

An old pic from my little Sweet Sixteen Birthday Party get-together with my friends back in 1981 - Kristy is the gal sitting aside of me.
And a pic of "Rev" Kristy having a little fun while attending a rites festival in MA - circa 1990. I really love this photo of her! She is such a beautiful soul both inside and out. 💟

Brett and I from my friend's wedding I was a bridesmaid in back in 1994. This was before we got married - he caught the garter belt and I caught the bouquet. 👰

And a photo taken on our wedding day - September 2001 with my parents in our backyard.


  1. Something we have in common. I'm an ordained ULC minister as well. Love your old pictures. Helps us all to get to know each other better.

  2. You and Kristy look like sisters in that one photo of your "sweet sixteen" party!
    How beautiful you look and your hubby so handsome...destiny since he caught the garter and you the bride's bouquet.

    1. Thank you, Jan! I think Kristy and I always had a lot in common so I should not have been very surprised that she practices Wicca and reiki.

      Yes, I like to think that there had to be a reason I ended up with Brett ... we could NOT be more different in every way! ;)

  3. I love your photos and memories Kim! Great funny! LOL! Big Hugs!

  4. Thanks for sharing your photographs and memories.

    All the best Jan
