Friday, April 26, 2019

Fun Friday!

Greetings all and happy Friday to you! It was another busy week. On Tuesday I attended a job fair, on Wednesday I took my mom to have her car dropped off at her garage for yearly inspection and yesterday I took her to pick it up after it was finished. 

Sometimes if there is a really good bargain on their items, I order some odds and ends from the Victorian Trading Company website. I found these cool mermaid items on sale for a great price!

A large mermaid magnifying glass ...

And a pair of beautiful crystal Swarovski mermaid earrings ... 💗

Also, since Trixie seems to be spending a bit more time hanging around in the garage, I picked up a cheap small dog bed for her at Walmart and placed her favorite green crocheted blanket in it. She has been using it ever since! 😻

Last night's quick meal - French bread pepperoni pizza ...

This weekend I plan on doing some more cleaning up in the basement - I have a lot more work to do yet! 😩

Have a great day everyone!


  1. The earrings are so pretty. Trixie looks quite comfy in her new bed and the trim even matches the color of her blankie. Mmm, French bread pizza though I'll pass on the pepperoni. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. Love that mermaid magnifying glass. It's an awesome find. Awe, Trixie is so sweet. Wish I could do more for my strays, but we just can't get access to the yard where they hang out. Pizza looks so yummy. I want some.

  3. I like all of your mermaid purchases :)
    Trixie looks very comfortable, sweet photographs.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  4. Trixie is so cute!!! I love the earrings Kim! And, I love the magnifying glass too! The pizza looks so good! Big Hugs!
