Saturday, April 27, 2019

The afterlife: Where spiituality meets medical science?

Last night while browsing through, oddly enough, some Led Zeppelin music in YouTube videos, I came across an interesting one of an interview with a Neuropsychiatrist and Neurophysiologist named Peter Fenwick who had written a book about his extensive research regarding end of life phenomena and near death experiences. The book is titled, "The Art of Dying" and he talks about the connection between spirituality and medical science. I plan on ordering this book on Amazon. It just sounds so very intriguing (and once I began watching this interview, I could not turn it off because I found it to be so informative)!


  1. Very interesting. I'll look into it. I've read almost all of Elizabeth Kubler Ross's books. They are excellent as well.

  2. Death is the one frontier that we can only speculate about until it knocks on our door. I believe in God and I was raised Catholic so I will believe that someday I will again be with my loved ones in heaven.
    But I still am interested in other points of view, too.

    Hugs ❤

  3. Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment on my post. Have a nice new week.

  4. Thanks for posting this …

    All the best Jan
