Monday, April 08, 2019

Monday montage

Yesterday, I placed a couple of extra blankets out in the garage which I had lying around the house for Trixie to use as a comfy bed. Since we cannot bring her in the house unless or until we can get her checked out at our vet, she can temporarily stay in the garage for the time being. She kept coming to us full of bad burrs all over her fur from the bushes during the day, so hopefully, this will help her a bit. The last pic is a bit blurry, but as you can see she is already using the blankets. 😍

I attempted to bake a yellow cake in the air fryer oven last night. I just ordered a couple of 9 x 10 pans for cakes online on Friday as that is the only size that will fit inside the oven. I only have one pan that size at the moment and the cake recipe was for two 9 inch pan cakes. So, I ended up making two of them separately. I decided to cut them up into little squares and since my husband is not real crazy about icing on cakes (he is not a sweet tooth like me), I did not put any frosting on them - I just stored them in a sealed container. They are not very pretty, but they taste really good! This was my first try at baking any kind of cakes in it as I am still playing around with it and learning ...

While at my hair appointment at the salon on Saturday, I found this really good product for those of us who struggle with thinning hair due to aging, heredity, biology in general which usually comes with us as women as we get older. I used to have such extremely thick hair even up into my mid-30's, but not anymore. Yes, I realize that in many cases it can be controlled through proper diet and such; however, that is not always the case and it only does so much to help with the problem. This stuff is a bit pricey, but well worth it in my opinion  - and it lasts a pretty long time because you do not need to use a whole lot at once.
It also depends on how your hair is styled and layered as well. Here are a few pics I took after using this stuff. As you can see, it adds a look of thickness to my sides and especially the hair on the top back of my head - my worst areas with the most amount of thinning ...

Have a good day everyone!


  1. That is so nice of you to lay down blankets for Trixie. I wish I could do more for mine, but there is no way to get into the area so I can just feed through the window. Your hair looks GORGEOUS. Thanks for the review of those hair products. I shall look into it. My hair is thinning as well.

  2. I don't like too much frosting on cake. Your cake bites would be perfect for breakfast, too. Trixie looks like she's settling in just fine. What a cutie. Enjoy your day.

  3. I think your hair looks lovely and thank you for letting us know about these hair products.

    Nice to see your photographs of Trixie.

    All the best Jan

  4. So nice of you to take care of Trixie!!
    The cake looks like it turned out great!
    Love your hair Kim! Thanks for sharing the products! Big Hugs!
