Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Tuesday quick post ...

Good day everyone. Heading out soon to run some errands and thought I would share a quick post. Spring definitely MUST be here - Leo is finally able to enjoy his favorite window in the bedroom with the screen up ... He has been waiting for this and with the temps in the mid-60's today, he got his chance!

... and of course, the ants are at it already trying to go after the outside kitty's cat food. I place the food in a heavy dish filled with water to deter them.

My air fryer oven baking pans I had ordered on Amazon last Friday came in the mail yesterday afternoon.

And I am taking a 'goody bag" of last night's dinner over to my mom's today - Sloppy Joe's with a side of rice, and a few of the fresh vanilla cake squares I made on Sunday. I also had some leftover grilled chicken patties for chicken Parmesan sandwiches for her.


  1. Lucky Leo. It's very dreary and raw here today. For the ant problem you could try honey and borax as bait. Cut the edge off a paper plate and put a dime sized drop down. I used this with Ink around. He didn't have any interest in it so I don't think it will harm the other critters. https://www.doityourself.com/stry/fighting-ants-with-borax
    And you can bring meals on wheels to me anytime (-:

  2. Great idea about the food bowl sitting in water. I had a heck of a time with ants. All that food sounds so delicious. Now I am starving.

  3. Leo is saying, thanks mummy! LOL! I hope the ants stay away! Have fun cooking! You are such a good daughter! Big Hugs!

  4. Leo is one happy kitty with a great mom like you!
    Those leftovers sound delicious!
    Ants are definitely a pain. Great tip with the water...ants breath through their sides.

  5. Love the photograph of Leo.

    All the best Jan
