Wednesday, May 15, 2019

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday ...

Good day everyone - I hope you are all doing well! I have some news to tell you about. Remember the job fair I attended a couple of weeks ago? Well, it was held by a medical supplies company that manufactures eye equipment, eye solutions, etc. The company is called Alcon Labs and the job fair was held at one of their local facilities which I actually used to work in many years back in the mid 80's when the building was owned and operated under another company called Sharpoint, Inc. that manufactured surgical needles and such.

They are expanding and fairly recently opened up another local facility and they are hiring for 2nd and 3rd shifts. I wasn't too crazy about working a 3rd shift job, and to tell you the truth I am not too crazy about working 2nd either, but I need a job very badly so I have to give it my best shot. Anyway, they contacted me a couple of days later and scheduled me for a second interview, offered me the job the next day after the 2nd shift supervisor recommended me to their Human Resources Department and I accepted. Naturally, I had to deal with a barrage of emails as is the 'usual' procedure these days, fill out a form online regarding my background check, and run to a nearby lab to get tested for drugs before I start working this job (they only give you five days to do that before the order expires and you need to have the hiring company extend the expiration date) - did all of that.

I was told this will be a very involved and a bit overwhelming job and I have to spend the four days after Memorial Day on 1st shift for an extensive orientation. Then I begin on permanent 2nd shift the following Monday from 2:30pm to 10:30pm, including all day Saturdays. Needless to say, I am extremely nervous even though I have done this type of work before when I worked for Sharpoint, Inc. wrapping and packing surgical needles which were attached to catgut thread. I really liked that job a lot because it was in a clean, air-conditioned/climate-controlled building/environment. The problem was that I could only get part-time work there because they went by seniority when it came to current employees applying for a full-time position. And so, I found a full-time job at a bank in clerical and have been working in offices ever since then.

These are some old pics from those early office days ...

Anyway, my official start date is scheduled for June 3rd. Wish me luck please - I am going to need all I can get! LOL!


  1. Congrats. I am so happy for you. Wishing you all the best on your new endeavor.

  2. Congratulations on your new job! You'll do great.

  3. Best of luck on your new job! However, I've had trouble getting the following message through on comments for your past couple posts. It is ostensibly from Firefox, but I don't know:

    "Deceptive site ahead.Firefox blocked this page because it may trick you into doing something dangerous like installing software or revealing personal information like passwords or credit cards.Advisory provided by Google Safe has been reported as a deceptive site. You can report a detection problem or ignore the risk and go to this unsafe site.Learn more about deceptive sites and phishing at Learn more about Firefox’s Phishing and Malware Protection at"

    Yours is the only account I follow that gives this warning. I find, by clicking on "details" I have gained access to "comments". This might be something that spreads, so I hope it can be reported to Blogger and contained. I've run several scans on my laptop --from Frontier and other reputable sites--and found nothing amiss. Hope this is just another blogger glitch.

    1. Thanks for the well wishes, Geo and thank you for letting me know about the blog issue. As far as I know, (as no one else has mentioned it to me as of yet) you are the only one who has seen that message from Firefox when trying to comment here. I can tell you this much, I recently STOPPED using Firefox and have been using Google Chrome because Firefox was allowing pop-up ads on my laptop all of the sudden out of nowhere - so I do not know what the cause of this issue is? I will look into it further though. Take care!

  4. Congrats Kim!! I am so happy for you! You'll do well! Big Hugs!
