Thursday, May 16, 2019

Throwback Thursday

Happy Thursday! I decided to post some more random pics from the past. This first one is my 7th grade school photo - braces and all ...

A photo from Ocean City, MD. This was taken outside the third floor apartment we rented for the week which was only a block away from the boardwalk ... Loved this place. We stayed there every year for the entire week of the 4th of July! (1992)

More pics from the shore with a guy I was dating for four years just before I met Brett. They actually graduated high school in the same class. His name was also Mike (not the same one I previously told you all about) ...
Mike snugging up with my cat Maggie in 1992.

And another pic of Mike with my Maine Coon gal Sabrina in 1991.

As you can see, I come from a long line of cat lovers - this is a pic of my Nana holding one of her many pets, "Puddy" ...

Rhiannon, my friend Dave (Deb's hubby), and me posing for an old karaoke night pic from 1996 ...

Mike and I holding his sister's two sons - Jimmy and Danny in 1990 ...

... and Mike and I chatting it up at a local karaoke night event circa 1997...

A birthday pic taken at Sears Portrait Studio back in 1998. Just a couple of months ago, our local Sears store closed up ... very sad!

Chilling with my buddy Leo last summer ...

An interesting pic Brett took from a Samhain/Halloween wedding which I had officiated in 2012. Take note of the orb that the bridesmaid is looking down at on her dress. Unbeknownst to me at the time, the Bride's best friend passed away just before her wedding and it is her (and also my) belief that this was her best friend letting her know that she was there to share her special night!

My mom and my brother posing for a pic at Christmas Village in 2013 ...


  1. I love seeing your old photos, bits and pieces of your life. Whenever I see a picture of an old boyfriend, I wonder what they are doing now. So many memories to share.

  2. Fun to look back at good times. Such a cutie with your braces. I wouldn't smile for pics with mine. And the story behind the wedding pic Wow!

  3. Love seeing all these old photos! So much fun Kim! Truly interesting story behind the wedding photo! Big Hugs!
