Friday, May 03, 2019

Fun Friday!

Happy Friday everyone! It is going to be a very busy weekend and I am really looking forward to spending quality time with my sister Aurora tomorrow. As you know, we are also going to celebrate Beltane and hold our ritual in the afternoon. 💃💃

On Tuesday evening I made up my mind to bring "Trixie" in the house and keep her safe from the many predators hanging around our area lately - most especially the red foxes we have been plagued with. We have so many that they are crossing the highways near my house! Anyway, we kept her downstairs away from the other cats until we could get her into our vets on Wednesday to make sure she is Fel-leuk (feline leukemia) tested, had all her shots, a full exam, etc. Dr. Jose cleared her, but not before informing us that "she" is actually a HE (yes folks that's right, a vet I am NOT) - lol! He said we were correct that Butterscotch is a CNR (catch, neuter & release) cat and that he guestimated him to be no older than 3 years old going by the condition of his teeth. So, we gave this kitty a name that actually fit him - Butterscotch. Why?  Because he is as richly sweet as a butterscotch candy! We dropped off a stool sample for testing and he is scheduled to go back for his booster in three weeks. 😸

I was so happy and relieved to hear that Butterscotch had a good checkup at the vet that I made a special little grilled chicken dinner and a side of shells with cheddar cheese sauce after we got back home. And of course, he got a serving of chicken as well ... 😺

Showing off his new green kitty collar while snuggled up on my lap ...
Leo seems a bit unsure about the newest member of our family. 🙀

I had some leftover supplies from when I made my Maypoles so I decided to use the remainder of stuff to make two table decorations for Aurora and my Beltane ritual celebration.
I spent the morning baking for tomorrow's celebration - two small red velvet heart-shaped cakes and chocolate cupcakes ...
And I finished shopping for our after ritual snacks and refreshments ...

I leave you all with a beautiful rendition of the song, "Going to California" and the little catchy tune "Bron-y-Aur Stomp" ...


  1. Awe, bless your heart. Wish I could do more than just feed the stray that visits our courtyard. I have quite the same dilemma with mine. I'd labeled it a he, but now it is showing signs that it is a she.

  2. Such a nice Friday post, always good to catch up on your news and happenings.
    I think your two table decorations look lovely.

    Have a great weekend.

    All the best Jan

  3. Butterscotch, cute name. Looks like he's settling in nicely. Enjoy your Beltane celebration. It looks like it will be delicious. Blessed Be!

  4. Butterscotch is the purrfect name for him!
    He is very handsome and I am sure he will be welcomed by all very soon. He looks quite lovable.
    As always I get hungry when I visit here. have a Happy Beltane celebration!

    Big Hugsxxxx
