Thursday, May 02, 2019

Throwback Thursday: Of Beltane past

Our group of friends celebrating with us on Beltane back in 2002 ... 👪

A little snapshot of my sister Aurora Skye and I from 2004 ... 💗

An old pic of my sweetest beloved Mr. Midnight taken years back on Beltane. He was helping me decorate the house "festively" ... 💚
A fantastic performance of one of my favorite romantic rock songs of all time, "Thank You" recorded on May Eve - 2017 ... Enjoy!


  1. Smiling, happy faces celebrating together...beautiful photos ❤❤❤

  2. I love seeing your photos from the past. Your celebrations are always so festive and I love seeing them. Mr. Midnight was so precious in that photo. Such gorgeous eyes.

  3. I love Mr. Midnight posing as the Green Man.

  4. Thank you for sharing your photographs, especially nice to see Mr. Midnight …

    All the best Jan
