Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Wednesday This and That ...

Greetings everyone! This is a pretty busy week for me actually. I spent all day Monday cleaning out, organizing, & packing up boxes from both bedroom closets for storage in the attic, yesterday I went grocery shopping with my mom, I have Butterscotch's vet appointment today, my haircut appointment is scheduled for Thursday morning then cleaning the entire house right afterwards. I need to color my hair, put away my winter clothes and bring out my summer ones, and I plan on baking cupcakes for a family cookout this weekend and a birthday cake for my sister Aurora Skye. Friday I am spending the day and then having dinner with my friend Deb and Saturday I will enjoy some time with sister Aurora to celebrate her up-coming birthday. 🎂🍷🍴

And, of course, next Tuesday is the start of my new job at Alcon Labs which will begin with four grueling 8-hour days of orientation. 😟

I will try to post if I can to keep everybody updated on happenings. Have a great day!



  1. Reading about everything you have to do is making me exhausted! :-D

  2. Kim!! I hope you're doing ok! Make sure you are taking care of yourself, busy girl! I know I'm late coming around, but I'm sure you are doing well at your new job! Big Hugs!
