Wednesday, August 14, 2019

This 'n' That

Good day everyone and happy Wednesday! A couple of new things happening here lately. First off, we took in a kitten that was left homeless along with her brother by their mama cat. Her name is Ginger and she is an orange female - we are told that they are rather rare as most orange cats are usually male. She is a snuggle bug and such a little love ...

Ginger with her brother Dice. Dice has a new home with a friend of mine.
Ginger is getting very comfortable with us in her new surroundings.

She loves people!

I found this food magazine the other day while grocery shopping - thought I would try some of these recipes when I ever get the time  to cook again ...

Last weekend was my friend Deb's birthday. We had lunch at Flanagan's Pub and sat on the outside deck since the weather was so nice ...

She did not want a birthday cake, so I baked her these brownies instead ...
Deb, her hubby Dave, and me.

Have a good day, my friends!


  1. Adorable kittens. The Eldest loves Food Network especially Alton Brown's Good Eats. Enjoy the magazine. The birthday brownies look awesome! Enjoy the day!

  2. Your new kitten is adorable.

  3. I enjoyed seeing all of your photographs.
    Kittens are adorable, and the birthday brownies look delicious.

    All the best Jan

  4. Hey Kim! I hope everything is well! I love the kittens, so cute! Ginger is so cute! Happy Birthday to Deb! Great pictures! Big Hugs!

  5. Hi … just stopping by to say hello and hoping all is well.

    All the best Jan

    1. Hi Jan! Thank you so much for stopping by! Yes, I have a lot of new happenings and I hope to get to posting about things sometime this weekend. I hope all is well with you! Blessings!
