Sunday, September 29, 2019

New happenings!

Good morning and Happy Sunday, my dear friends! My deepest apologies as it has been quite a while since I have had any spare time to post here - lots of things have been happening the past few weeks. My mother fell and fractured her right elbow, I had a car accident and had to buy another used car, among other things. Anyway, my mom had surgery last week and is now home and recovering with the help of the visiting nurses, the physical therapists, her wonderful next door neighbor of many years, and my good friend Deb who we are fortunate enough to have to help get my mom back and forth to her doctor appointments when I have to work. Hopefully, she will be back to driving soon - she can't wait, of course.

There have been some Fall events going on around here in Reading, PA. The Ridgewood Winery has open houses with wine tasting, food, and bands for good entertainment - very enjoyable ...

A pic taken at one of the winery's events which was taken by one of their employees for their website with my friends Dave and Deb.

This was taken while having dinner at The Station at Reinholds Inn with Chef Craig from Brooklyn, NY - talk about a New York accent! It is no wonder his nickname is "Brooklyn" ...  LOL!!
These pics were taken last weekend while out with Deb her grandson J.J. at the annual fall Pumpkin Fest at The Oley Dairy ...

Feeding the critters ...
A fun kid's Hay Ride ...

Also, we attended the Annual Fall Festival in West Reading, PA. This photo was taken in the lovely garden behind "Curious on the Avenue" ...

Last week was my 18th Wedding anniversary and as we do every single year, we attended the Annual "Celtic Classic" held in Bethlehem, PA ...
The Bagpipe competition which features bands from all over the country ... New York, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, etc. 
Enjoying the events - and they have much to offer every year! ...

Anyhow, I promise to be back later tonight to visit all of your blogs to see what everyone has been up to! Have a great day!


  1. Lovely to read your post and catch up with your news.
    You've shared some great photographs too.

    Sorry about your car accident and your moms fall.
    Good to read about your 18th anniversary - happy wishes to you.

    Take care and have a great October.

    All the best Jan

  2. I am so sorry to hear about your mom an your car accident. A lot of stress in such a short time. Happy Anniversary. Love the pics of the Celtic festival. I wish we had more of that around here.

  3. You have been busy girl! Loving all the pictures! I am so sorry what happened to your mom and your car accident! Sending you lots of love!
