Monday, December 09, 2019

And here we go ...

Greetings and salutations my friends! I hope all is well with you. My apologies for not posting for a little while, but there has been much going on in my life as of late  - more on that a bit later on.

Over this past weekend, my friend Deb and her hubby (who happens to share Brett's same birthday), Brett and I went out for a birthday dinner at a local place near us called, "The Railroad House" ...
Homemade Red Velvet cupcakes (not made by me) with cream cheese frosting.

Ginger is finally scheduled for her spay at the vet on January 7th ...
(Gratuitous kitty pic of Butterscotch and Ginger)

And in other news, my mom called me last week to let me know that her doctor found "something" on her mammogram. Since she had a partial mastectomy a few years back, she has been getting yearly checks. Now, she must go in for a diagnostic today for her other breast. Needless to say, this has been a very rough year for us all, and this is just one more life worry to deal with - although I pray we will get through it together somehow. Truthfully, I had to be convinced by my loving family and friends to get motivated enough to actually put up my Yule tree this year, but I finally did it yesterday afternoon ...

Also last Saturday, I went to Celtic Myth & Moonlight to have an Angel Tarot card reading done (more on that later as well). This coming Saturday, my sister Aurora Skye and I are planning to hold our Yule celebration and ritual early due to our busy schedules. I very much look forward to it!


  1. Those red velvet cupcakes look awesome. I love the gratuitous photos of your kitties. I'm glad you put up your beautiful Yule tree. Maintaining the normal rituals gets us through tough times. I'll keep you and your mom in my thoughts.

    1. Thank you, CJ. Your thoughts are very much appreciated!
