Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Getting ready for Yule

As I mentioned before, my sister Aurora Skye and I are planning on holding our Yule celebration a bit early this year due to both our busy schedules. But first, an update on my mom. She will need to have a biopsy performed by her doctor to determine whether or not the calcification deposits found in her other breast are benign or malignant. She has another appointment scheduled for next week.

In my previous post, I told you all that I had an Angel tarot card reading done at Celtic Myth & Moonlight last Saturday afternoon. The reason I decided to try this is because I am currently having a lot of difficulties I need to work through and I am willing to be open to any guidance which may help me with clarity. The reading was pretty similar to a regular tarot card reading, except it  involved channeling the Angels and the reader used three different decks of tarot cards during the session. She was on point with quite a few things including my tendency to feel the need to control every situation around me due to my insecurity issues and a few other things that kind of "hit home" as well. Another difference between this type of reading for me was that it was mainly intended to show you what you needed to change in your life to make it better rather than the more detailed approach that regular tarot readings offer.

Last night, I began to ready the altar room for this Saturday's Yule ritual celebration ...

One item I found at Celtic Myth & Moonlight was an interesting felt mat to be used in pendulum divination. I thought I might try using it this weekend ...

I will have two weeks coming up this month due to a mandatory shut down at my job so I plan on cleaning up my books and a few other items and donating them to Celtic Myth & Moonlight. The owner is such a lovely lady and sets items which her patrons donate to her out in her store for her costumers to help themselves to for free!

Brightest Blessings all!


  1. Your Angel tarot reading sounded interesting. I hope you got some good suggestions to bring calm into your life. Your Yule altar is very pretty. Happy Yule to you and yours

  2. Have a good time on Sat. Hope to see you soon

  3. Been having trouble accessing your blog, so keeping this short.
    Happy Yule to you and yours.

    All the best Jan
