Sunday, December 15, 2019

Our very special Yule!

Greetings all! I was planning on publishing this post last night, but I had a problem with our internet server - could not refresh any of my pages - not even YouTube would work and in the middle of trying to write this post, I got an error. After that, I was unable to load any pages anywhere. We reset the modem but to no avail; however, this morning the problem seems to have been fixed whatever it was that was causing it. 

Anyway, my sister Aurora Skye and I held our annual Yule celebration get together. It was cold, damp, and rainy outside, but we decided to venture out anyhow to have lunch at The Station at Reinholds Inn where we enjoyed a delicious homemade chicken corn noodle soup - one of the patrons there was kind enough to offer to take a snaphot of us together ... 💜

After a little shopping, we headed back to my house to end our evening. We finished setting up and preparing our Yule altar before beginning our ritual. 

We had a yummy home-baked red velvet cheesecake and Pumpkin spice eggnog as well ...

Afterward, we did our usual exchange of gifts to one another. These are the awesome gifts my sister surprised me with!
A very cool new deck of Game of Thrones tarot cards ...

A lovely card, hanging phases of the moon decoration which now adorns my altar room ceiling directly in front of my prayer rug, a cool Pisces candle, two herbal bath mixes, and my favorite Ghiradelli Chocolate Peppermint holiday snack!

In spite of the weather, we spent such a lovely day together. Anytime we get together is always so special! I love you to the moon and back, Aurora!! 💚💛💜💟

(Not a creature was stirring - except for Ginger of course)

... and to all a GOODNIGHT!


  1. The Yule altar looks so beautiful by candlelight. And lovely you got to spend the day with your sister despite the weather.

  2. Your Yule alter looks great.
    Very nice gifts from your sister.

    All the best Jan
