Saturday, April 11, 2020

A Saturday odds and ends ...

Happy Saturday everyone! Hope you all are faring well. On the home front, while I get some things accomplished around the house when I am not working on the weekends, the cats are very much unaffected by it all as they are still "chilling" as usual ...

Sir Leo guarding my lap top.

Butterscotch in his favorite spot by the living room window.

Speaking of work, so far we are still able to work while our dictator Governor Wolf is just chomping at the bit to close EVERYONE and EVERYTHING down including our medical facilities which he "allowed" us to keep open for business as it is considered (and IS) an essential medical need! I will not get into politics here as I am not really affiliated with any particular party at this point, but working under the worry that Gov. Wolfs cronies will just show up at will and have the power to shut us all down creating  not only even more financial stress on our economy but allowing much needed eye surgeries to not be performed leaving many completely and totally blind  - he is a real moron in my book! Let's just say that he has upset a lot of people here in PA, enough to have quite a few lawsuits brought against him by businesses who have had to lay off their employees here (just what everyone needs more of - unemployed worker's like my family and many others in our already dying area) in Berks County alone. IMO, this is absolutely unacceptable. Okay, rant officially over now - LOL

In the meantime, we are all doing the right thing and abiding by the law and necessary regulations that are expected of us both while at work and outside of work. We were each given a personal thermometer to check our temperatures BEFORE work and we are also being checked by a security guard before we are allowed to enter the building to work ...

Along with the usual and normal cleansing/sanitary products, and gloves, fingers cots which we use each and every day while at work, we were given medical masks and these little hand sanitizers to carry with us ...

Well, enough about that - this  week I ordered another new item from Chef Jesenia's menu ...

Homemade lasagna with garlic bread.

And for dessert, some of her delicious blueberry muffins! Sooo good!

And, since I just got done paying our first set of taxes, I was finally able to order this dress for this year's Witches Masquerade Ball  2020 - the theme this year will be steampunk which is not quite my thing, but I did like the dress a lot so here's hoping it fits lol ... 😎

First nice day we have had in a few so I am heading out for a quick walk and then back to my house cleaning for the rest of the day. Stay safe ALL!


  1. Too bad we all can't chill like the kitties. The food looks amazing and wow on that costume! Take care.

  2. I'm in Missouri and was scheduled to have eye surgery for a macular hole on March 25. They called and canceled the surgery because even though I was scheduled for surgery in a stand alone eye clinic, the hospitals associated with the eye surgeons had made the decision to not allow "elective" surgery. I'm worried about losing more vision, or having a retinal detachment, which would than be an emergency surgery and they would take care of it. The person who phoned to cancel the appointment said it would probably be 6 to 8 weeks before I could have the elective surgery. That was before things got so intense with this virus. I'm not counting on it being scheduled in 6 to 8 weeks, and if it would be scheduled to be performed I would be terrified of getting the virus in a medical setting. I'm hoping that my retina will continue to be fine.

    1. Susie, I am very sorry to hear this. And, I fail to understand WHY this is considered to be an "elective" surgery in the first place! This kind of behavior by the medical profession is not acceptable IMO. I wish you all the luck in the world, my friend. Blessings and prayers to you!

  3. Your cats are beautiful, and i feel your stress, we own a small business and we are at risk of having to close because of this. Its a hard time for a lot of people. I wish you the best of luck and blessings, I will be thinking of you

    1. Thank you, Elentya, and blessings to you and yours!
