Monday, April 06, 2020

Monday This and That ...

Greetings, friends! I have been meaning to post sooner, but I am afraid that the weekend simply got away from me. I have been very busy still working downstairs - only this time I was cleaning up and re-arranging the altar room. While I was at it, I decided to begin setting up my Beltane altar as well for May ...

And, do you remember what the altar room looked like a few days ago? 

Before ...

After ...

)o(     )o(     )o(     )o(     )o(     )o(     )o(     )o(     )o(     )o(

Last week, I ordered some more new dinner items from Chef Jesenia's menu ...
"Over-loaded Potatoes"
Batter-dipped fried chicken thighs with homemade macaroni and cheese.
And one of her desserts, Tiramisu!

Two side dishes of roasted potatoes and corn on the cob.

😻 😻 😻 😻 😻 😻 😻 😻 😻 😻 😻 😻 😻 😻 😻 😻😻

While doing my weekly shopping with my mom yesterday, I just couldn't resist this little treasure I found at Petsmart - a new outfit for Ginger ...

Over the weekend, the weather was nice enough to go for my walks again - something that I have n noticed quite a few folks in my neighborhood have also decided to do! 👍


  1. What an adorable little outfit. Ginger is so cute. I love her. That food looks so delicious. Hard to find something to order in my area. Most of the restaurants are closed here in Sunset Park and the Bay Ridge restaurants won't come this far.

  2. You have been busy, and that food looks delicious. Ink would never have allowed himself to be dressed up. Take care and have a good week.
