Saturday, April 25, 2020

A song for Saturday (and some other stuff) ...

Greetings everyone! Yesterday, immediately after I published my previous post, we lost our electric. But, fortunately Met-Ed was on it and quickly got us back up again so we only were out for about an hour. This is the perfect example of why I refuse to give up my land phone like everyone else I know seems to have done in lieu of a cell phone. Even though we have three cordless phones in the house, because they work off of the receiver they are all totally useless when we lose our electric! I am so glad I was able to keep at least ONE of our land phones set up downstairs (remember the black shoe phone Brett plugged in last year in the room that is now our office space?). Brett does have a cell phone; however, THAT is useless as well since we have an old house with a metal roof there is no way to get a cell phone signal inside and no way to charge it without electric if it needs to be. We must always go outside of the house to make any calls. My point? - cell phones also need power to keep them charged so ... I rest my case. 

And, since I will now have a few days off from work, I think I will take it easy and chill with the "kits". Perhaps continue cleaning up the house (not much else to do anyhow) and do more organizing. 

We have had nothing but cold and rainy weather here in my area for the past week or so. Yesterday was no exception and one of the poor stray kitties we have been feeding outside since last spring took shelter inside of our igloo in our backyard so I was able to get a pic of him/her from Merlin's catio window ...

Can you see the cat at bottom right-hand side in the igloo?

Speaking of cats, I just had to include a couple of new pics of my God-kitty (Aurora Skye's poly dactyl cat) Pumpkin - Oh, how I adore that kitty cat! ... Aurora tells me that Pumpkin never leaves her side since she is temporarily off from work ... πŸ˜»πŸ˜ΈπŸ’—

Well, that is about all for now - take care ALL!


  1. I have a Lepow Moonstone which is a portable charger. There are also some on the market that are solar powered for about 30 bucks so you can charge your phone. You can also charge your cellphone in your car. The best use of the landline is being connected to your local 911 in case of an emergency. If you use a cellphone to call 911, you will be connected to the nearest state police who then transfers your call to a local dispatcher, but that uses up some precious time. Sweet kitty in the igloo. Another adoptee? And Pumpkin is absolutely adorable. Take care.

  2. We still have our land line too! I agree with you Kim! Poor little kitty outside! I love Pumpkin! Love those paws! Stay safe my friend! Big Hugs!
