Friday, April 24, 2020

It is what it is ...

My entire life, when times were hard or something in life upset us in any way, my beloved dad used to always repeat those very words to us: "It is what it is." Well, I knew he was right - as he usually was even if I did not realize it at the time because I was just a kid. Things are crazy for everyone right now and times are extremely uncertain with all that is going on around us. I, myself, am currently still working which I can not complain about since so many folks are not able to and as a result struggling just to pay their bills. Yes, there is always unemployment BUT remember, that does very little to cover ones' life expenses such as heat, electric, rent/mortgage, food, taxes, and so on. Trust me, I have been there too many times in my own life to count through the years and the last time was only a year and a half ago! My only saving grace during that time was the fact that my last employer gave us a decent severance pay based on our years of employment as my husband was not working then yet either.

However, I am still pretty fearful of the fact that once again I could also be joining the many who are already not working and/or temporarily unemployed as I was not too long ago. I do not have the type of job that I would be able to work from home. Companies are struggling financially (my husband's as well as he was told he has to take three weeks without pay just to keep his job at this point). Talk about scared, yes of course I am along with everyone else, but 'it is what it is', right? I have always been a firm believer that we can never have total and complete control over our lives - there are still some things/situations in life which are simply out of our hands. That is when it is of the utmost importance that we have faith that things will eventually work out in the end.

My company is giving us today, next Monday and Tuesday off with pay, but I have no idea what the reason or reasons were for their decision to do this? I can surmise what they may be; however, we cannot know for sure. And, although I am grateful for this, still in all it makes me extremely uneasy about things and just how secure my own job is or will be in the very near future? BTW, why do I keep saying, 'it is what it is'? Well, oddly enough a co-worker also says those exact words ALL THE TIME at work. In fact, she says them almost every single day - lol!

That being said, this Saturday Brett and I had tickets to go see a British group Pink Floyd tribute band named, "Brit Floyd" which he bought for me as a gift last November. Needless to say, that show has been cancelled and is supposed to be re-scheduled for another date unknown as of yet. I had never heard of this band before, but apparently they have quite the following. So, I had YouTube'd some of their videos and WOW! I was really blown away! (Hey, 'it is what it is', right?) Have a great day, friends!!


  1. 'It is what it is' was a phrase my parents often used too.

    These tribute bands are so good aren't they.

    Enjoy your weekend.
    Stay safe, well and positive.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you, Jan - and I am certainly trying my best! Good wishes to you and yours as well!!

  2. Uncertain times for sure. Ma always said to me "Don't borrow trouble." especially when so many things our out of our control. Take care.

    1. Your mother sounds like she was very wise indeed! Thanks, CJ - you take care as well.

  3. Have faith in you Kim! I understand about worrying, but all we can do, is trust ourselves and know, that things will work out! Big Hugs!
