Wednesday, May 27, 2020

But wait, there's more ...

Due to exactly what we were trying avoid, Butterscotch now also has a respiratory infection in spite of the fact that we kept him separate from Leo. We had taken him to Dr. Mike yesterday and he dispensed Clavacillin (amoxicillin trihydrate/clavulanate potassium for cats) he needs to take one tablet every 12 hours for the next 14 days. 

And, unfortunately, we had no choice but to reschedule his rather important surgery for which the earliest date we could get with our vet was on July 16th! He was supposed to have this Thursday. 

We began giving him his meds yesterday afternoon and per Mr. Mike's orders, continuing to keep he and Leo separate for the time being. We are doing our best to keep him comfortable and pray he gets well and STAYS well in order to keep his NEXT surgery appointment!


  1. Oh no, I'm sorry to hear both of your cats are sick. I hope Butterscotch will be okay with the delay of the surgery date.

  2. Poor Butterscotch. Looks like he's comfy and happy. Will keep you all in my thoughts.

  3. Oh dear … just what you didn't want!
    Hope all will be ok for the new surgery date.

    All the best Jan
