Monday, June 01, 2020

Leo Update (revised)

Last week, we noticed that Leo was having what appeared to be some sort of seizures. He lost control of his muscles in his legs and staggered a bit then laid down on his side. Panicked, we immediately called our vet and they got him in on Saturday morning. They drew blood to perform tests and took some urine from him as well. They told us they found some glucose on his urine stick, but the test results would be back on Monday. So, I took a PTO day from work and waited for the call. This morning, Dr. Mike called us with the dreadful news that Leo has very bad diabetes and will need insulin shots twice a day and be given a special prescription food called DM (Diabetic Management). 

We had him back to the vet at 1:00pm this afternoon for the instructions on how to give him his meds. Prior, Dr. Mike called in Leo's meds and told us to keep it on ice and bring it along with us for his appointment. Since we can not give him his insulin until after he eats, we will be giving him his first injection at dinner time tonight. He will also need to be checked once a week until we could get his diabetes under control! 

I was so upset that I have been crying all day. With all that is going on, this was the last thing we needed to deal with! I felt as if someone just punched me in the stomach and knocked the wind right out of me. Dr. Mike told us that he is so bad that if we do not do this, he can and will "crash and burn" at any time! And yes, those are the exact words he used. This gave us no choice but to try - I mean, the only options we have are to either put him down so that he does not suffer OR not give him the meds that we truly CAN NOT afford right now and let him live out the rest of what is left of his life. WTH could we do?? We will see what happens from here. I am praying .... HARD!

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