Sunday, June 21, 2020

Blessed First Day of Summer (and other stuff) ...

and a ...

Greetings, friends and happy Sunday to you. Hope you are all doing well. Not much happening around here worth mentioning - just a couple of little things. First off, hubby knew I needed another watch and surprised me with this pretty piece he ordered online ...

Last week while my sister and I frequented one of the very few stores open yet here in PA, I found a cute little crochet dress at the Shady Maple Gift Shop ... 

About a month ago, I began crocheting again and started making a scarf. Last night, I finally  had a chance to finish it. I also crocheted a little bag to hold my small body lotions and such in with the leftover yarn ...

And last, but not least, I wish everyone a Blessed Father's Day to all dad's - whether still here or passed on. I miss my dad EACH AND EVERY DAY! 

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