Saturday, June 27, 2020

What's new ...

Greetings and salutations all! Just a quick little post as I have to work the entire weekend so I will be pretty busy today and tomorrow trying to play catch up both at home and on my blog.

Next Thursday is the week of The Fourth of July and I will be having oral surgery on that day. But, since I have Friday off as my employer is  giving us the day before the Fourth as a paid holiday I will/should have some time to recuperate between that day and the weekend. 

We are still monitoring our cat Leo's glucose levels and emailing his results to our vet on a weekly basis. It seems as though as long as we continue to measure out his food intake, his levels usually go back to normal and we will hopefully not need to give him his insulin injections very often - or at the very least not on a daily basis! We are; however, having a lot of issues with trying to check his blood sugar every other day with the Alpha Trak Blood Meter because we have to stick the lancet into the outer ridge of his ear where there is a blood vessel. The problem is: a) it is so small we can not see it right and b) which usually means we are either sticking the lancet too far into his ear and we end up poking him straight through and hurting him. It does not exactly help the situation when you have to STICK your fur baby with a sharp object into his body then HEAR him cry because you screwed up! At any rate we do not know how much longer we can handle doing it and I refuse to do it long term!

And last, but not least, some goodies from Chef Jesenia's weekly menu ...

Turkey Lasagna Alfredo.

Babyback ribs with yellow rice.

Turkey Meatballs with sauteed onions, mashed potatoes and corn.

And, for dessert ...

Coconut Cream cake!

Until next time, I wish everyone a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I am hoping this comment comes through ok as it hasn't been possible to comment on your bog posts recently, although I have enjoyed reading them thank you.

    Enjoy the weekend and a very early wish for a happy 4th July.

    All the best Jan
