Friday, July 03, 2020

A very short and sweet post

Yesterday I had my tooth extracted as scheduled - and boy, is my mouth really sore, but that is to be expected for the next couple of days or so. I was told it went well - luckily since it was abscessed I was given antibiotics a week earlier by my family dentist so the oral surgeon did not have to dispense them after my surgery. As he said to me, "they did their job."

So for the next few days I can only have certain things - juice, milk, yogurt, soups, eggs, custard, jello and the like ...

And, since I can only eat soft, room temperature foods and beverages I decided to use up the last three eggs in my refrigerator to bake a few German Chocolate cupcakes ...

As well as the cupcakes, I also have other good stuff on hand as, special thanks to Chef Jesenia, I will have homemade bacon potato soup and chicken fried rice as well for this weekend. She did have these delicious chocolate peanut butter cupcakes with mini Reese's cups on top of them on her menu this week which I partook in of course. I usually take pics of all of her goodies, but the cupcakes were so yummy they did not even make it home last evening. 

Next step? Who freaking knows? I can not afford an implant which truly does suck, so most likely a much cheaper solution which my dental insurance will at least cover some of. At any rate, I can not do a thing for the next 6-8 weeks until my gum heals. Then I guess I will have to make an appointment with my dentist to go over my extremely limited options. Did I ever mention that getting old really  stinks? Ah, but I digress ... lol


  1. All of your foods and desserts look delicious. I'm sorry to hear about your tooth, and your limited options once your gum heals.

  2. I hope you’re feeling better. I do like the selection of food you can eat, especially the cake! My dad used to say Getting old isn’t for the faint of heart as the golden years aren’t golden. He could be such a Gretchen Sunshine 😺 Take care.
