Sunday, June 28, 2020

My Prerogative ... so to speak

Well, we are apparently now in the GREEN phase of our prison sentence here in Berks County, PA. And to "celebrate" I decided to publish this post ...
Governor Wolf has made a real mess of things here! He has ignored the decision by the  higher courts of State Congress and the House of Senate to overturn his misguided decisions because he IS a dictator! And no one is going to tell HIM what to do even if it does and HAS taken away many peoples' livelihoods AND their jobs not to mention put the State of PA in even more financial troubles with the poor way he has handled things. Unemployment, etc. is very bad and I know many who have lost their jobs because of Wolf's poor judgement.

Mask or no mask - which by the way Wolf refuses to wear himself because his rules do not apply to him only US. So here is my response to our esteemed a-hole of a dictator named Governor Tom Wolf who so obviously likes to play his political games with all of our lives here in Pennsylvania ...


  1. Intriguing clip. Compelling performance. But I suspect something more informed and compassionate is needed to spread the message of prerogative beyond the protest stage. I'm an old man and my grandkids are little; we need more than a guy yelling at us. Is anybody working on this?

    1. All I know is that our Governor Wolf has made a real mess of things here! He has ignored the decision by the higher courts to overturn his misguided decisions because he IS a dictator! And no one is going to tell HIM what to do even if it does and HAS taken away many peoples' livelihoods AND their jobs not to mention put the State of PA in even more financial troubles with the poor way he has handled things. Unemployment, etc. is very bad and I know many who have lost their jobs because of Wolf's poor judgement.

  2. It's appallingly obvious that all the Democratic governors are creating disasters in their states - and I feel sorry for you having to contend with Wolf.
    California completely fell apart after the liberals got hold of it, which is one of the many reasons I left.

    I'm hoping my comment will be published. I tried to comment on your blog several previous times but for some weird reason the comments didn't materialize (some kind of Blogger glitch).
