Thursday, July 23, 2020

This and That

Butterscotch update: Yesterday we received some heart-breaking news. Long story short, our sweet Butterscotch's biopsy came back and his tumor was cancerous. Meaning, the cancer has very possibly spread in spite of the fact we had it removed last week. And, the vet told us that the type of cancerous tumor he had WILL come back and we will need to check him every week and if there is a lump on his leg, we must call the vet immediately! Furthermore, he said that this type of cancer is worse in dogs because dogs are more likely to get tumors than cats. He said that (and I quote) "It is very bad in dogs, but just bad in cats." Whatever the hell THAT is supposed to mean! He said that the only other option we have is for him to refer us to an oncologist who would more than likely put him on radiation therapy and chemo. I told him NO! I know for a FACT that cats do not take to chemo well - ever! I saw it personally! At any rate, I think one of the reasons it is so bad when cats get tumors is because in dogs it is more common but when a cat gets them it is (as the vet told me) "statistically speaking 80 percent of cats tumors are malignant." NEVER GOOD!!

Sir Leo and Ginger looking on ...

In other news, in spite of having to work last Sunday I had the rare opportunity to spend a few hours with my sister Aurora on Saturday ...

We enjoyed a dinner prepared by Chef Jesenia ... Marinara Chicken with garlic bread.

In other news, the "Curious on the Avenue" store is having a going out of business sale and I found this little treasure ...

And lastly, a very nice co-worker surprised me with a thoughtful gift - a cute tea pot and assorted organic tea packs ...

Anyhow, I have to work again this weekend. My mood for the past few weeks has pretty much been as follows in regards to life lately ... just sayin' ... BTW this meme was actually posted by an FB friend of mine of someone my sister and I know. Seems to fit my feeling at the current time.


  1. Poor little Butterscotch. Sending virtual hugs to you.

  2. Nice that you spent some time with your sister.
    Take care.

    All the best Jan
