Wednesday, July 15, 2020

What's new

Greetings all, been a little while. Hope you are doing well. 

Today was Butterscotch's surgery with our vet. He had a few different procedures performed. He had six very bad teeth extracted, a teeth cleaning for the rest, a mass/tumor removed from his back left leg, and a biopsy will be done on it and we PRAY that it is not cancer! The whole thing scares the living hell out of me to tell you the truth. We will get the results back in about 10 days they told us. In the meantime, he has dis-solvable stitches and has to wear a cone around his neck for a week. They also gave him a long-term antibiotic shot and he has enough liquid pain meds for seven days. The vet gave us a syringe for each day with the measured amount of meds for him which is 0.5 ml. 

At the moment, he is being kept in the cats room in a large dog cage until he begins to heal. Naturally he is NOT thrilled with it, but he is such a good boy. The vet assistant told us that right after his surgery, he kept "chatting" with them - they said that is so not typical of a cat so soon afterwards. I told them that he was just telling them that he wanted to go home

I also wanted to reach out to everyone to let you know that I am aware that I apparently got hacked into or something making it near impossible to leave comments on my posts. Really pisses me off because I have been getting A LOT of piece of crap spammers who leave messages on my blog - and since I monitor my comments before posting them I noticed that I am plagued with them and simply at a real loss as to how to STOP THIS ISSUE due to these very annoying a rude-ass a-holes who think it is their right! I mean, you should see what nasty comments they are leaving in an attempt to try to sell me something  - SEX for one ... those are just offensive as HELL! Gimme a freaking break will ya!  I apologize for this, I am not at all a techie! I always delete them as SPAM, but it does absolutely no good and does not solve the problem at all.

Anyhow I will have to work this weekend - most likely the entire weekend leaving me pretty much no life what-so-ever these days anymore and with the amount of taxes taken out, so NOT worth the lousy extra pocket change - much rather have my time to get things done I need to do ... oh well, what can one do, right?

If time allows it, I will spend some time with my sister Aurora for a few hours. I miss her and my life! lol

Have a great weekend, my friends!


  1. I feel so sorry for the ordeal that Butterscotch is going through and hope that he will fully recover. He looks like such a sweetheart.

    Very weird things have been happening on Blogger lately. I've been having lots of trouble leaving comments on some blogs - and also replying to comments on my own.
    Also, I've been getting lots of spam - and several sexual comments.

    The whole concept of blogging is becoming annoying.

    1. I could not agree more, Jon. Between lack of personal spare time and Blogger issues, I am not even sure how much longer I can keep it going here. We shall see. I can totally relate to the annoying part. lol

    2. Im so sorry about the news however I'm a bit lost. I'm so sorry for putting this response to your post but I'm a bit lost. See I'm a new pagan and I'm trying to find a way to become a member of this wonderful group of yours but can't seem to find a way to get started. I'm very interested in paganism to me it's a beautiful culture and I'm desperately wanting to be in a group to learn more about it. If you could please reply back I will be more than grateful thank you

    3. Dear "unknown", I usually only respond back to members of this blog BECAUSE I have a some very bad issues with spammers and rude people. Long story short, may I suggest that you begin by reading up (books, online, etc. ) AS MUCH info as you can as I did to learn more about your chosen path. I do have quite a few posts on this, my blog, which you may find very helpful. All you need do is check out my "Post Content" section if you like. Brightest Blessings!

  2. Poor Butterscotch (love that name btw) I hope he is making a good recovery. He doesn't look too happy in his cone, but he sure looks cute. I haven't had a recent issue with spammers on my blog (yet). I would suggest you change your Blogger password if you haven't done that already. I have been getting tons of spam on my junk email account. Yeah, the sex stuff 😱 Take care and be well.

  3. Hoping Butterscotch makes a good recovery ...

    All the best Jan

  4. May your sweet Butterscotch heal quickly and stay well for a very long time.
