Monday, October 05, 2020

Another "spiritually lifting" experience

In a previous blog post which I had published back in October of 2011, I shared my true story experience regarding levitation. (to read that post please click on this link ("Spiritually Lifting Experience: My True Story").

The following is another true story which I had experienced as a teenager at a girlfrend's sleepover party when I was 16 years old ... 

(An old pic of me with the friends who were there participating that night. The gal second in from the left next to me was the friend who hosted the sleepover and the gal with the blue hat on is one of two friends who we had levitated.)

It started out as a typical high school girlfriend sleepover. Just six friends hanging out, eating junk food and watching television at a friend's house in her parents downstairs recreational room. Until one of us, I (honestly do not remember which one of us) came up with the idea of "playing" the old levitation game known as, "Light as a feather, stiff as a board." This involves a circle of people sitting on a floor with someone lying flat in the middle of the circle. With the only light in the room being a couple of candles, we began all reapeating one at a time around the circle, "She's dead. She's pale as a ghost. She's light as a feather. She's stiff as a board. We can lift her" three times then with each of us using only our index fingers from each hand tucked underneath the body, we slowly began to lift her - I mean HIGH off of the floor! Then gently lowered her straight back down on the floor again. She never fell either. We decided to try it again after the first time with another friend who was sitting in the circle and the same thing happened with her. We never spoke of it again after that night because if our parents would have found out about what we did, we would have all been in A LOT of trouble, trust me.

Oddly enough, years after we graduated I connected back up with the same friend who had the sleepover that Friday night and ironically, she ended up choosing the same spiritual path as I had and, like me, became an ordained Wiccan clergy for The Universal Life Church. And, not only that she is also a Reiki practitioner such as myself. 

So, the power of intention or something else? 


  1. I remember playing that game. I don't remember what happened. Have you read the book Many Masters, Many Lives? Recommended to me by my Reiki Master of Masters

    1. No, I have never heard of that book but it sounds like a "must read." Thank you, CJ!

  2. I've never heard of the levitation "game", but what you described is really amazing and scary. And it's incredible that you were able to do it twice!
    It's also ironic that you and your friend unknowingly chose the same spiritual path.

    1. I do not know exactly where this "game" originated, but I remember it being talked about at school especially among the girls. Well, that and seances which is pretty simuliar I think. ;-)

  3. That sounds so cool Kim! I have never heard of that game before! Honestly, I probably would have been a little freaked out! LOL! That is excellent, that you both went down the same path! Big Hugs!
