Sunday, October 04, 2020

Sunday This and That

Greetings everyone! Hope all is well! Just some odds and ends from the weekend. First of all, a couple of pics from Friday night's moon ...

The Moon (lower left) and Mars (above) side by side from the view of my camera ...

And, a little update on my arm injury. I recived a call from the Urgent Care practitioners regarding my arm and elbow x-rays taken on Wednesday. It turns out that I have a contusion and not an actual fracture which is better news than expected. I also saw the company on-site nurse the next day as well for follow-up. She placed me on light duty for the next two days. I still can not extend my right arm fully without pain, but I am scheduled to see her tomorrow right after clocking in for my shift. I was "up-graded" from the splnit to a wrap as you can see. I am still taking the 800mg ibuprofen when needed and began taking Citracal as well. Many thanks to everyone who sent me get well wishes - I appreciate it more than words can express.

Since Brett was away all last week, we decided to go out for a nice anniversary dinner yesterday at The Station at Reinholds Inn. This place is very unique and is registered as a historical landmark. It has a relaxed pub atmosphere on the first floor, a beautiful Victorian dining room setting and kitchen on the second floor with a separate room set up for billiards, and then there is my personal favorite - the large upper deck with a cabanna bar and room for entertainment. There is an area with a sandbox and other goodies for children with the entire deck adorned with a lovely garden atmosphere, too ...

Shrimp with a side of coconut lemon rice ...

Some more pics enjoying time out with friends. 
My friend Dave and I posing for a quick pic with Mandi the bartender ...

Deb and Kyle share a smile!

Before retiring home for the evening, we stopped off for a nightcap and some delicious chicken wings at The Van Reed Inn.

As for the remainder of this weekend, I plan to take it easy at home and snuggle up with my fur babies! 


  1. So glad to read the arm is healing plus you and Brett had a lovely time celebrating your anniversary. Here's to many more healthy and happy ones!

    1. Many thanks, Judy! So happy to hear from you. Hope you are doing well! :-)

  2. So glad your injury wasn’t as bad as originally thought. Looks like a nice place for a special dinner. Take care

    1. It definitely is an awesome spot! Thank you, CJ!

  3. It's reassuring to know that your injury will mend without any serious consequences.
    Your anniversary celebration was perfect - and the food looks great (I never had coconut lemon rice). Love the fur baby photo!
    Take care.

    1. Thanks, Jon. If you like that kind of atmosphere, especially in the comfy Fall weather, you would very much love this place!

  4. Lovely post and pictures.
    So pleased your injury wasn’t as bad as originally thought.

    Happy Fall and Happy October Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  5. I am so sorry about your arm Kim! Sending healing prayers! Keep getting better my friend! Happy Anniversary! What a lovely time you had! Big Hugs!
