Thursday, October 01, 2020

Call me "Grace"

HAPPY FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER ALL!! Well, it has been an interesting week to say the least. Tuesday just before the start of work, I was walking back to my car and took a rather hard fall in the parking lot. I reported it later that night because I was not particularly concerned at the time. However, after a couple of hours during my shift I began to feel the pain. I fell directly on my right side (luckily I am left-handed!) and my elbow and upper arm took the brunt of it. 

Long story short, the first shift supervisor called and made an immediate appointment for me to see the company nurse at the other facility and she in turn felt there was enough of a concern to send me directly to the local Tower Health Urgent Care. They x-rayed my elbow and the nurse practitioner there was not sure if it was a full on fracture so she sent my x-rays directly to the radiology department. Until then, I was put on light work duty until the results came back from the radiology doctor.

The morning after the fall ...


Yesterday afternoon after they put my splint on ...

They also called in a prescription for 800mg of ibuprofen to bring down the inflammation and such. After that, I headed back to work to touch base with my superiors and finished out my normal shift since I felt okay enough to do so. 

When I said I love FALL, this is NOT what I had in mind! LOL! At any rate, I plan to spend this entire weekend taking it easy. 

You heard of cat in the box? Well, this is cat in the basket ... Sir Leo loves his laundry baskets!

One last note: Tonight is a Full Blood Moon. To read more about this please click on this link.  

Have a great day everyone!


  1. Oh my! That is definitely not the way to start Fall. I hope you’re feeling better. Hopefully, a good weekend to stay home and snuggle with the kitties. Take care

  2. What a horrible thing to happen! Falls can be extremely dangerous (I permanently damaged my spine when I fell on the ice a few years ago). Take care, rest, and get well soon!!

    The moonlight was extremely bright the other night, but I didn't know it was the Blood Moon. I love to watch the phases of the moon, but I'm surrounded by forest and the trees obscure my view.
    Sir Leo looks cute in the laundry basket.

  3. Sir Leo is so cute!!!
    Please take care of you! Big Hugs!
