Sunday, November 01, 2020

A Halloween Party and a Historical Event or two

WOW! What an awesome weekend this was! So much was happening yesterday. First of all, it was a Blue Full moon and she was gorgeous! I was not able to get pics because it was too cloudy last night. It has been overcast and rainy for the past couple of days here. Then, Brett and I had the great privilege of attending President Trump's Rally at The Reading Regional Airport earlier yesterday afternoon. The airport is directly down the road from where we live and it ... was ... FANTASTIC to say the very least!!! ...

Air Force One landed right in front of us around 3pm ...

Then, last night we attended the Annual Halloween Party at The Historic Station at the Reinholds Inn ...

Even Al and Peg Bundy stopped by ...


Earlier this past week, I received some surprise Fall flowers from Brett ... 

And last but, not least (and yes it is stupid not to mention totally pointless)  ...


  1. I enjoyed reading your post and thanks for sharing the great selection of photograph.
    Happy November Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  2. The Halloween party looked like lots of fun. Our Halloween was quiet with a dinner of spareribs and watching horror movies. I did go out to look at the Full Blue Hunter's Moon. I was afraid it was going to be cloudy because for night sky viewing it always seems to be cloudy or rainy. I did get a picture, not a good one, as I only have the iPhone camera, but still enough to have a memory of it. Take care.

  3. Your Halloween weekend was truly FANTASTIC!! It must have been inspiring and exciting to attend a Trump rally. The photos that you've posted are great. I've been watching ALL of his rallies. I no longer have a television but I get FOX NEWS and OAN on the Internet. Our President has more energy than anyone I've ever seen.

    The Halloween party sounds like fun and I like your costumes (I also like that severed arm reaching for the fruit).
    Unfortunately I missed seeing the Blue Moon because it was mostly cloudy here in TN.
