Saturday, November 07, 2020

This and that


Greetings all. In a moment of diversion if nothing else, my friend Deb, her daughter, and her grandson and I had a reservation for Hershey's Chocolate World today. We had a very nice time. Here are a few pics ...

Some goodies and a hoodie ...

We stopped on the way home and had dinner at Applebees ... :) 

J.J. with his Jolly Rancher plush toy.

The pics are courtesy of my friend Deb as right after I tried to take my second pic with my usual digital camera I always use, I heard a loud CRACK! Lo and behold, it was my auto flash which apparently decided to have a broken bulb just today. I can still use my camera outdoors without a flash, but no longer indoors. Guess I will be looking for a good sale on a digital camera now.

Take good care everyone!


  1. Looks like a fun day. How can it be bad with chocolate? I have a Christmas ornament like the kiss you are posed near only it's a boy and not a girl. A souvenir from our trip there decades ago. JJ is so cute.
