Thursday, December 31, 2020

New Year's Eve


Happy New Year's Eve everyone! I don't know about you, but mine will be very low-key indeed. I spent the day with my mom and her dog, Brandi taking pics in front of her 4-foot Christmas Tree as per her request - yes, my mother has another daughter other than me -HER DOG! LOL! 

My mom's little table tree which she displays every year.


This year, I decided instead of sitting around just watching whatever is on TV I will plug in my Digital Frame which my husband had mounted on our living room wall a few years back (he had given it to me for my birthday one year can't remember WHEN actually) and watch my beautiful fur baby pics I had compiled and saved onto a few camera cards ...

UPDATE on the outside kitty: He apparently loves his new heated electric pad which we placed in his IGLOO in front of our garage door. Brett took this pic of him just last night ...

As for tomorrow, well it is off again to my MIL's house for the day - nothing extravagant just cold sandwiches, shrimp, ring bologna and cheese, brownie bites, and other finger foods/snacks.


Monday, December 28, 2020

What's up

 Happy Monday everyone! With our company holiday shut down all this week, I have A LOT of things to do - things which have been taking a back seat ever since I began working again over a year ago!

Although I usually leave my Yule Tree up atleast until New Year's, yesterday I decided to take it down while cleaning the house. In its' place, my old DVD cabinet back in its' normal space in the living room ...

My Pandigital Digital Photo Frame - plays the Al Stewart song, "Year of the Cat" while displaying my favorite kitty pics throughout the many years ...

We have been feeding a stray male kitty for months now and my husband recently bought a water-proof electric heating pad to place inside the large Igloo in front of our garage door so that he may keep warm during these nasty freezing cold days and nights we have had here lately...

Of course, Sir Leo just had to test it out first ... lol

Stay warm and stay safe all!!

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas with family

Greetings friends! Well, another holiday come and gone, but we managed to get through it all fairly well. Minus my dad, my husband's father, and my only brother, it was as per usual just my mom, my MIL, my husband and myself including our mom's two dogs. Before we headed out for dinner at my MIL's house, we exchanged gifts. 

Sir Leo awaiting his gifts ...
Ginger checking out the bag of goodies from Grandma Rita (my mom) ...

My husband managed to find me an exact replacement for my camera that had a burned out flash bulb (YAY!! - not an easy task since Sony stopped selling this model camera five years ago!) and a cool Harley Quinn ornament which I immediately placed on our tree ...
We stopped at my mom's house on the way to pick her up then off to my MIL house. We heated up the feast of food which also included (not pictured) turkey with stuffing and rolls ...

It's funny - I remember as a kid growing up in our house my mom used to have an old stereo turntable with a radio and two large speakers in which she would always play her vinyl Christmas 33 1/3 records on. Today, I took my laptop along and played music off the YouTube ... MY how times haved changed! lol ... 

After dinner, we watched our mom's open their gifts which also included goodies for their dogs as well ...
My mom with her dog, Brandi.

My MIL relaxing with her dog, Tulip.

I took these pics from inside the kitchen door as deer DO NOT like their pictures taken. These were the best I could do - a young buck grazing outside on my MIL's lawn ...


Well, that was our day in a nutshell. How was your holiday? 

Thursday, December 24, 2020

A Christmas Eve post

Happy Christmas holiday eve everyone and ... oh yes, MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all of you!

Yesterday, I finished up my last minute preparations for our small family gathering at my MIL's tomorrow. I picked up our home-cooked dinner from "Around the Family Table" and  Chef Jesenia of "Jessy's Kitchen" stopped by my house to drop off some luscious home-baked holiday cupcakes and one of her delicious pound cakes which I will take with us for our holiday dinner desserts ...

I also ordered a Mason Jar of her fabulous Coquito!

Red Velvet and Eggnog cupcakes! YUMMY!!

I will most probably post more sometime over this weekend. Take care and many blessings!  

A special Throwback Thursday

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some people stay for a while and give us a deeper understanding of what is truly important in this life. They touch our souls. We gain strength from the footprints they have left on our hearts and we will never be the same. ~ Wiccan Footprints

This post is dedicated to my very special circle of friends ~ then and now ... 😍

Awesome friends of many years, Deb and Dave ...

My sister Aurora Skye - both friend and family - always! ...

Another good friend of mine, Stew - circa 1997.
With long-time childhood friend, Judy taken at her parents house way back in 1986.
With Judy and Tom at "Flanagan's Pub" back in 1990.

Lady Sabrina Rhiannon - my friend, teacher, and sister of the Craft.

Kiki-girl with me and Deb. celebrating my 55th birthday at Applebee's ...

My beautiful God-daughter, Kyli!

Posing with Etta, my friend and singing partner in crime ... "Sweet Dreams" always, girl!! 
Brett 'n' Etta.

Love this pic with Aurora Skye!

Willow and I circa 1997.

Here's to all of my beloved friends and extended family whom I will forever cherish. Their love and support have meant the world to me. They have been there to share the happy times in my life as well as seen me through many of my darkest moments. I love and appreciate you! ...

