Sunday, January 31, 2021

Sunday This and That

Greetings everyone! As I mentioned in my previous post, we are expecting some rather nasty weather with a bad snow storm beginning this afternoon and continuing into late Tuesday morning! We are supposed to get anywhere from 15 to 20 inches of this white mess - YUK! COME ON SPRING, PLEASE - so tired of the freezing temperatures and having to worry about making it back and forth to work safely - even worse, my husband as well because his job is nothing BUT driving!!

Anyhow, today I finally took down my Mermaid Tree in my altar room. Speaking of mermaids, I am always on the look out for lovely mermaid statues and sculptures. This past week I found a beautiful merman statue in my price range. It is supposed to arrive this Tuesday. Can't wait! It is so hard to find a gorgeous merman to add to my collection and this one is so stunning ...

Moving on, I have had such a terrible time sleeping for the past few weeks so yesterday after my sister and I held our early Imbolg ritual, we decided to stop off at Ulta Beauty and I found this pillow mist I thought that I would try ...

Also, my sister Aurora Skye gave me a couple of other health and beauty products for Yule to try - a Vanilla and Lavender Body Butter and a Sweet Dreams roll-on oil both made by Norse Naturals ...

And, last weekend while my mom and I were shopping at one of our local Dollar Tree stores, I picked up another roll-on made with four different essential oils to aide with my bad neck and shoulder muscle pain. I must admit that it does help ...

After shopping at Ulta Beauty, we checked out our Barnes & Noble Bookstore and I found a new book on magickal herbs ...

And last, but not least, a brotherly pic of Butterscotch and Sir Leo awaiting the snow storm while hanging out together in front of the living room window.

Until next time, friends - take care and be safe!


  1. That is a beautiful statue. I don't think I've seen any mermen. Ugh the snow. Snow totals here just got upped to 12 -18 in. 😿 I hope the storm isn't too bad for both of us. Lavender is a nice scent and might take the stress out of the storm, too. Stay safe.

  2. 15 to 20 inches of snow is FAR too much! Here in TN we're supposed to get ice tonight (Sunday) and 3 inches of snow tomorrow. I hate the freezing temperatures. Spring can't come soon enough.

    The mermaid statue really is stunning. I never heard of a pillow mist - it sounds soothing. I'm an insomniac and a diehard night owl. I often take valerian to calm my nerves.
    The photo of Butterscotch and Sir Leo is adorable.

  3. I love your statue Kim! Gorgeous! Enjoy the snow! I know it's hard driving in it, but honestly, I do love it! I hope the different oils help you! Big Hugs to you and your fur babies!

  4. hello Lady Caer Morganna! my name is kayleisha i love in pa and in desperate need to speak to someone. i hope you actually see this and respond.

    1. Greetings, Kayleisha and welcome. What is it that I can help you with?

    2. i have questions and concerns and need guidance. it concerns my little ones and home. if it's not too much of a bother would you be willing to email me. i wanna find out what I'm dealing with. sorry to just pop up just doing some looking and came across your site abd were not terribly far away.

      thank you so much in advance

    3. Kayleisha, I have no way of emailing you a message as you have not given me your email address to contact you. :)
