Monday, February 01, 2021

Lazy snow day

Yes, friends, we most definitely GOT IT today and it is not supposed to actually stop until early tomorrow. In the meantime, both my husband and I got lucky as my work was cancelled and Brett was told to stay home and online job train for the day. Tomorrow is supposed to be even worse than today to drive in, so we shall see IF I am going in tomorrow or not.

So, I ended up spending a little quality time with the kitties. Ginger is fascinated by the snow and watching the moving white stuff fall down from the sky - she is so funny because she tries to catch the snowflakes ...

Lady Tabitha prefers to watch it from her favorite window in the cats room ...

The view from Merlin's back catio window ...

Ginger still watching from her window, wait for it, wait for it ...

Mwwwah, mommy's sweet little girl ...

Fingers crossed for what is in store for us here tomorrow!

Oh yeah, and Happy first day of February!!


  1. We got about 12 or 13 inches. Hard to tell because of all the blowing and drifting. I'm glad your bosses were concerned for your safety and told you to stay home. Ink loved to watch the snow fall, too. Headbutts for all the kitties. Roads are bad here today so I hope you get another snow day and don't have to travel. Take care.

    1. CJ, we got 18.5 inches of snow here in Reading (I will post more pics later on today) and it is still coming down! If they do not call us off of work today again, I will take a PTO day and go back into work tomorrow when the roads are a bit better.

      Take care and stay safe!

  2. Wow!!! Tones of snow!!!! I'm glad you and your hubby didn't have to go to work!!! Love your kitties!! Give them hugs from me! Big Hugs!
