Tuesday, February 02, 2021

No real surprise here, Phil!

Happy Imbolg and Groundhog Day, friends! Well, it snowed ALL DAY yesterday and through the night ...

My husband spent hours last night shoveling out a path in our driveway and digging out both of our cars ...

What do you think of the snow sculpture of my husband's car? The artist? Mother Nature, of course. 

We also lost power THREE times, but fortunately it came back up again. My employer closed yesterday but not today so I had to use up one of my few PTO days as we were snowed in and plowed in by the Borough trucks who had nowhere else to go with all the messy snow. Anyway, I plan on returning to work tomorrow as the roads should be a bit better by then hopefully.

Hope everyone is doing fine and staying safe and warm!


  1. Hey Kim, our groundhogs (both) said early Spring, so we will see what happens! LOL! Boy, you have lots of snow! Holy!! Please take care, that is a lot!!!! Big Hugs!
