Wednesday, March 31, 2021

A Blogger update ...

Quite a while back, I had mentioned that some of my blog followers were informing me that they were unable to leave any comments on my blog. I still have not quite gotten to the bottom of the issue, but I did find this info recently on the subject. As I have stated many times before, I am not good with 'techie" things and, quite frankly, I was surprised that I could figure anything out enough to start a blog in the first place. However, I am reaching out once again for some input from anyone who can shed some light on this problem? ... Thank you everyone!

(Please click on the images)

I simply could not resist posting this video ad ... It is SO me! 😸

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Ya know, somehow "I told you so" just doesn't quite say it

Wait, allow me to reiterate ...

The following post is my personal experience and not up for debate nor is it an invite to discuss whether or not to be a 'guinea pig' for getting the COVID-19 vaccine.. So, that being said, allow me to tell you all about MY week so far...

It began last Thursday evening while I was at work, the last two hours of the night I noticed my throat was getting  a bit sore. Now, mind you, working in a dry air room wearing those miserable masks does NOT help matters. The next morning (Friday), my throat had gotten worse and I called off as it is protocol, eventhough we get our temperatures checked everyday before we can enter the building, we are not to come into work if we have ANY of the so-called COVID-19 symptoms. I laid low and rested up the entire weekend and by Sunday night I had a runny nose, coughing, and sneezing. However, I did not at anytime have a fever - never! I knew it was a sinus infection as I get them religiously every year. I spoke to a supervisor on Monday before work as to what I am supposed to do. I was directed to contact my HR department and call my family physician. So I did just that.

My plan was to call my doctor and get seen so he could administer my usual antibiotics. Instead, I was told I HAD to get a COVID test before they would even consider seeing me in person. So, I drove to the closest Tower Health Urgent Care and they gave me the rapid Covid test which (as I could have told them) came out negative. But, that wasn't good enough for them, they forced me to take yet ANOTHER ridiculous test (like my poor nose wasn't sore and hurting enough I had to endure two more painful long-ass Q-tips up my nostrils).

I then went home and was told that the second test results would come back today (Tuesday). In the meantime, I had to speak to a triage nurse and my on-site nurse as well as dealing with constant emails, etc. Lo and behold folks, my second test results were NEGATIVE. And, after all that red tape I finally was able to get my family doctor to send in a prescription for my antibiotics which I picked up at CVS this afternoon.

Remember, the only reason I called off of work in the first place was because I knew I was getting a sinus infection - I know my body and have lived with myself for the past 57 years - nuff said.

My doctor's nurse called me this afternoon to inform me that my family doctor will not release me back to work until he is sure all of my sinus symptons have gone. I quite agree as going back even after just starting my antibiotics would be pointless because I am convinced that the masks we are forced to wear would only serve to work against the meds - after all, we ARE breathing in our own germs, folks! It does not take a rocket scientist to figure that one out now, does it.

And so, I say one last time ...

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Tarot for the Green Witch ~ by author Ann Moura

Yesterday, my husband and I decided to take a road trip to Coventry Mall located in Pottstown, PA. There, I stopped into a unique little shop called, "The Morgue" where I found this really interesting book entitled, "Tarot for the Green Witch" written by author Ann Moura. Now, I already own a couple of her "Green Witchcraft" books and enjoyed them immensely. So, that being said I just could not resist buying this book. I began reading it as soon as I got home and so far, I love it.

Next, I will order the tarot deck of cards which go with this book. They are versatile and include 78 fully illustrated cards consisting of 22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana. 

The Major Arcana have been retitled to reflect Green Witchcraft beliefs, however the fundamental traditional meanings of the cards are the same as a traditional tarot deck set. The Major Arcana titles are as follows: The Greenman (The Fool), The Witch (The Magician), The High Priestess (or Drawing Down the Moon), The Earth Mother (The Emperess), The Horned God (The Emperor), The High Priest (The Hierophant, or Drawing Down the Sun), The Lady and the Lord (The Lovers), The Battle Wagon (The Chariot), The Crone (Strength), The Holly King (The Hermit or Sage), The Wheel of the Year (The Wheel of Fortune), The Standing Stone (Justice), The Oak King (The Hanged Man), The Lord of Shadows (Death), The Sidhe (Temperance), Nature (The Devil), The Wild Hunt (The Tower), The Star, The Moon, The Sun, Harvest (Judgement), and The World Tree (The World).

And, there are very slight changes to the card suits. The Minor Arcana suits are the Pentacles (Disks), Athames (Swords), Wands (Rods), and Chalices (Cups), while the Courts are Page, Knight, Queen, and King.

This book also features an array of useful tarot card spreads which I really do like the idea of. Naturally, I will have to get used to the slight change in card names and such, but as I said, the meanings themselves have not been compromised. 

Friday, March 26, 2021

Odds 'n' ends ...

Greetings everyone! As we head into the season of spring, I just wanted to share a new little holiday rubics cube I found last weekend while frequenting "Hobby Lobby" - it was too cute to pass up ...

And, a couple of pics while out and about with friends ...

My drink of choice - a Long Island Ice Tea! Yummy!

Also,  since it looks like it might be a good weekend to do a little spring cleaning, I began with my rather small bathroom closet last night. Next, will be both bedrooms and then the living room ...

Then afterwards, I may treat myself for all of my hard work with some sweet wine that my husband brought home for me from his work training in New Jersey last week ...

This one made me laugh ... LMAO!!! 

And of course, I get to spend some quality time with my cats ...

Speaking of cats and cuteness, just a little eye candy for you - some purr-fectly sweet pics I found on the net. I knew Davy Jones loved horses and owned many during his lifetime, but I never knew he was a cat and bunny fan!  ... Enjoy!

Food for Thought Friday

In honor of World Down Syndrome Day (was this past Monday) ... 💜💙💚💛

Have a blessed weekend, friends!