Wednesday, March 31, 2021

A Blogger update ...

Quite a while back, I had mentioned that some of my blog followers were informing me that they were unable to leave any comments on my blog. I still have not quite gotten to the bottom of the issue, but I did find this info recently on the subject. As I have stated many times before, I am not good with 'techie" things and, quite frankly, I was surprised that I could figure anything out enough to start a blog in the first place. However, I am reaching out once again for some input from anyone who can shed some light on this problem? ... Thank you everyone!

(Please click on the images)

I simply could not resist posting this video ad ... It is SO me! 😸


  1. My issue with comments on your blog is only when I try to comment from the iPad. I then get sent to another link like I’m being hijacked somewhere. It only happens on your blog and only when I use the iPad. I haven’t figured it out yet

    The Progressive ads about not turning into your parents are hysterical. I also love the Geico ads with the problems new homeowners have like the Ant problem, the problem with the pipes, and the neighbors fencing.

    1. I also love the Geico ads - my MIL especially enjoys the clogging one! LOL! Thank you for your input - much appreciated, CJ.

      Have a great day!

  2. I have the same issue as CJ and it happens all the time on my laptop! Big Hugs Kim!
