Friday, March 05, 2021

Friday This and That ...

Well friends, it is finally Friday! Proving to me that there really is a God - lol! A lot has been happening here as of late, but most of it is much too boring to talk about so I will spare you the details. However, I will say that our outside house guest (whom I have named "Buddy" for lack of a better name at this point) is still with us. I snapped a couple of recent pics yesterday while feeding him before I left for work ...

We have been mixing a suppliment in with his wet food. We also give our cat Butterscotch this as well as he had a cancerous tumor removed from his left back leg a few months ago and we are told by our vet that "this type of cancerous tumor WILL eventually grow back". So, we are doing what we can to help him live a longer life. We order this product from ...

Moving on, the weather has finally begun to FEEL like spring is actually on its' way. And, on that note, I can not wait to start my daily/weekly walks AGAIN! My weight has gotten so out of hand that all of my health issiues have resurfaced - bad arthritis in my knees (causing them to crack everytime I get up and down or even walk), heartburn (no matter what I eat!), my migraines which effect my vision causing me to see gold and black-checkered spots, etc. I NEED to lose this weight within the coming months. Not only for the reasons I just listed, but for even more serious medical problems such as my family heart issues (my dad was pleagued with heart problems his entire life and it eventually took him), and genetic breast cancer (my mother was diagnosed with it in her early 50's and her doctor told her to warn me about it as well).

In addition, I have been applying online for another job - clerical preferably, but it is so difficult for reasons I do not wish to disclose at this time.  Please wish me luck - I will definitely need it.

I will leave you all with a gratuitous pic of Sir Leo's newest favorite spot to sleep - a box I planned to use to pack up some of my winter clothing. LOL! 

Have a great weekend all!!.


  1. Weight is an issue for a lot of us. I finally joined WW. For migraines I found a little device that you wear on your non-dominant hand that applies acupressure to the nerves that effect migraine. I found it at Amazon. ACULIEF I got one for my friend in Scotland and she's been using it and hasn't had a migraine in a very long time. Worth a shot to not have to take drugs for relief. Good luck on your job hunt. It doesn't look like you're going to get that box back any time soon. Take care and have a good weekend.

    1. Thank you, CJ! I will make sure to check it out!

  2. Good luck on your job hunt.
    The migraine device CJ mentions sounds promising.

    Happy Weekend Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  3. I'm glad that Buddy is still with you - it's so sweet of you to take such good care of him. I can identify and sympathize with your health problems. I get those aura migraines, too, and they are really scary (I think they "run" in families, because my mom used to get them).
    Good luck with your job hunt!
