Sunday, March 07, 2021

Sunday odds 'n' ends

Is it Sunday already? I hope all is well with everyone! Yesterday, my friend Deb and I finally had a chance to do some shopping. We went to two different stores. The first one was "Hobby Lobby" - such an awesome place! ALL of their mermaid items were 50% off!!! ...


The second place we went to was a store she and her daughter had been to previously called, "KC's Warehouse Deals." It is similiar to Ollie's in that it is a "hit or miss" kind of thing as far as finding what you are looking for and what they actually have in stock at the time. I did find a cool laser cat toy for the kitties, They LOVE IT!! I also found two spring bunny decorations for the front yard and a pretty spring kitchen towel ...


I do; however, think I have helped make my crazy cats even crazier - especially Butterscotch and Ginger who will not leave me alone now. LET'S PLAY!!! ... lol!!


  1. Sounds like a great day of bargains and the kitties seem to be enjoying their new toy, too.

  2. Sounds a good shopping trip.
    Lovely pictures of the cats enjoying themselves.

    All the best Jan
