Thursday, April 01, 2021

Throwback Thursday: Pennhurst State School & Asylum

Admittedly, I had planned a rather different 'Throwback Thursday' post for today; however, I was reminded of this particular subject a couple of days ago when I saw a really disturbing and (for me a pretty despicable) advert for an up-coming 'Ghost Tour' of Pennhurst State School & Asylum on FB's homepage. So, I decided to re-post this instead.

(Originally posted on October 19, 2014)

Pennhurst State School & Asylum

Last night,  my husband & I went to the "untouched" section of Pennhurst State School & Asylum located in Spring City, PA ... NO actors, NO set ups, NO props. Let me tell you, my friends, THIS PLACE IS HAUNTED - haunted by the poor souls who onced resided there and experienced the events which took place during its' tenure ...


  1. What an awful place. No wonder you picked up on the sorrowful vibes.

  2. Wow - what a completely fascinating and well-researched post! I've heard about Pennhurst and the hauntings, but you've provided many more details that I never knew. The history of this place is dark, tragic, and disturbing. So many unsettled ghosts .....

    1. CJ and Jon - I completely agree! I truly do believe that Pennhurst State School and Asylum actually started out with good intentions, but mismanagement of money and the inability to continue paying/affording to keep the needed staff was the beginning of the end! I have read articles from some of the nurses and doctors who once worked there for FREE because they actually did care - at least some of them did! But, you know what they say about "best intentions". VERY, VERY SAD indeed!

  3. I agree with CJ, what a terrible place!!! No wonder you picked up on all the emotions! Big Hugs!
