Friday, April 02, 2021

Holiday memories are made of this

HAPPY FRIDAY ALL! I thought it might be fun to share a few cherished spring and holiday pics from over the years.

When I was a child, my mother, brother, even my dad (one of the few times of the year that he ever attended church services with us), and I would get up bright and early on Easter Sunday. My mom would dress us up neat and tidy and clean us up nicely before leaving the house. But, before we got ready for church, my mom would always fix up an awesome Easter basket for each of us filled with LOTS of candy - Hershey Kisses, Reeses Peanut Butter cups, assorted jelly beans, yellow and pink marshmellow peeps, a large SOLID (not hollow) chocolate bunny. And, along with our goodies, she always found a cool little toy or stuffed animal to place inside a large plastic Easter Egg (mine was pink - my brothers was purple). 😃

This pic was taken back in 1976.

This is a pic of my brother (far left), my cousin, and me - circa 1974.
My brother and I riding our bikes around the yard. Notice my bare feet - Yes, folks I was a flower child even back then ... lol!

Me, my grandfather (whom we called "Pappy"), and my brother as a baby. He really was a cute kid!

The only Easter "gifts" which I still have saved from my childhood Pink Easter Egg.

These pics were taken back in 2002 from one of our many group Ostara celebrations. Part of the ritual was painting and decorating our own Ostara eggs ...

My beautiful sister Aurora Skye and I taken in 2011 ...

And in 2019 ...

And again in 2020!

My very own special holiday bunny, Butterscotch!  lol

Speaking of Butterscotch, this month marks his second anniversary since joining our little family. I must say that of all of the kitties we shared our lives with, this sweet baby was the most adamant about wanting to be a house kitty.  Every night, he slept at the foot of the garage steps and cried to come in the house. It was not long after we brought him in and got him to our vet for a good bill of health that he settled in purrfectly. We love him so much - he is the best little boy! 😻

And finally, a little heart-shaped spring cake to make you smile!

And, perhaps a cupcake or two!

Have a Blessed Weekend, friends!


  1. Such happy memories. You were so adorable. Still are. Have a lovely holiday weekend. 💐🐣🐰

  2. What wonderful photos with so many cherished memories! It's difficult to choose favorites. I like the pics of you as a child, especially the 1976 one . As a kid and teen, I always liked to be barefooted, too.
    The photos with your sister are all great.
    I love the pics of Butterscotch (he's so sweet)...and the spring cake and cupcakes!

  3. Lovely post, great photographs, happy memories.

    All the best Jan

  4. I love this post Kim! Thanks for making me smile! Big Hugs!
