Monday, May 31, 2021

Memorial Day

One of my fondest memories as a child was participating in the annual Memorial Day Parade in Sinking Spring, PA  - the town in which I grew up. My grandmother (whom we affectionately called 'nana') lived only two blocks away from Penn Avenue (a main street which runs through Sinking Spring) where the parade route lead us  to the VFW of Sinking Spring where every year they held a special ceremony honoring our fallen veterans. The ceremony took place on the rather large front lawn of the building and consisted of, amongst other things, the drum and twirling corp which I belonged to for many years, "The Boutiques of Berks County" and my high school band, "Wilson Senior High School Marching Unit." I learned at a very early age what, "Parade Rest!" meant. So you see, I had the honor of being a part of this beautiful ceremony since I had been 10 years of age up until I was 18 years old.

The Memorial Day Parade, marching on Penn Avenue - 1982 (I am pictured here on front left-hand side). 

It is something I will never forget. Every year, we marched along the strip of Penn Avenue then proceeded onto the VFW of Sinking Spring Headquarters for the entire ceremony. The VFW President spoke to everyone in attendance and then the 21-gun salute shots were fired in remembrance - followed by the playing of Taps ...

There are no official words for “Taps,” but here are the words for one popluar version:

Day is done, gone the sun,
From the hills, from the lake,
From the sky.
All is well, safely rest,
God is nigh.

And, as a Girl Scout, we always ended our weekly meetings holding hands in a circle and singing this version:

Day is done, gone the sun
From the north, from the south, from the east,
from the west 
Safely rest,
All is nigh.

Back in 2014, I created a memorial wreath which I donated to our local PA Veteran's Association in honor of their service. They came to my house personally to pick it up and deliver it to the PA Veteran's Association located in Fort Indiantown Gap, PA ...

Ironically, my husband and I joined the VFW of Sinking Spring last year. My husband served in the Air Force during Desert Storm, but was stationed in Turkey for a year then worked in Washington DC for his last three years before his honorable discharge. Before you can even be considered for membership to such an organization, you must provide your official documents as proof of your service. Both my mother and I are social members through my husband.

Honoring ALL of our fallen who served bravely and proudly to fight for and preserve our country's freedoms ... MAY GOD BLESS!


  1. What a wonderful Memorial Day tribute - filled with traditions and positive memories. The memorial wreath that you created is beautiful. What a generous thing to do.

    I hope you, your husband, and the sweet felines have a very pleasant holiday!

  2. Nice memories and the wreath you made is beautiful

  3. A wonderful Memorial Day tribute.
    Thank you for the memories you've shared.
    I do like the wreath you made, it looks lovely.

    Enjoy the last day of May and have a happy June.

    All the best Jan

  4. Thank you for sharing your memories! A great tribute! I love the wreath you made! Big Hugs!
