Sunday, June 06, 2021

Sunday This and That

Greetings, friends, I hope all is well with everyone. This was a fairly busy weekend. Yesterday was the Annual WWII Weekend Event at the Mid-Atlantic Air Museum which is located less than a mile or so down the road from our house. Joining my husband this year, was his cousin Mike and Mike's younger son, Matthew who drove to PA from New Jersey ...

While they were enjoying their day at WWII Weekend, I spent my last free weekend for literally the rest of this year (as we were informed at my job) with my friend Deb whom I have actually not seen in a couple of months. I normally just choose to hang out at my house over the weekend of the WWII event because the traffic is so bad I just refuse to deal with it, but I decided to meet her and her husband (my very long time friend as well, Dave) for lunch and dinner. Our friend Kyle joined us, too ...

The weather was (and still is today) VERY hot and humid (in the 90's), but it was nice sitting at the beach cabanna bar at Beverly Hills Tavern. While we were eating, a ladybug flew onto my arm ...

  • Ladybugs are considered to be protectors of entrances and gardens, and so they can also symbolize defense against bad luck and mean spirits. They are there to remind you that you are not alone and your ancestors are still there after passing away. The main meanings of the ladybug are:
  • A ladybug will bring you good luck if one lands on you.
  •  A ladybug will take the illness away if you are ill when one lands on you.
  • Good fortune
  • Innocence
  • True love
  • Importance of lightness
  • Changes, even metamorphosis
  • Divine intervention
  • Going beyond illusion
  • A happy resolution to a hassle
  • The miraculous at play in the everyday life

A little update on our Leo - After we brought him home from the emergency vet in Lancaster, PA last Saturday night, we kept him in the catio so that we could keep a good watch on him. We soon discovered that he was constipated. My guess, well since we never filled the optional prozac script for him, perhaps that the pain meds he was given while at the emergency vet may have been the reason for this. So, we called our usual vet and they had me drop him off on Friday morning before I went to work and then called my husband after they checked him out. My husband was able to pick him up after his work later that day and they gave us a script for Lactulose 15ML solution to give him for the next week in order to HOPEFULLY help him pass his stools. I filled the script yesterday and we began giving it to him last night as he needs to have it given to him with food. FINGERS CROSSED!! 🙏

As for today, I plan on spending the day hanging out at home with Leo and our other fur babies.

Have a good rest of the weekend all!


  1. Wow - summer has certainly arrived early in your neck of the woods. Today it's only in the 70s here in TN - with rain, of course. It's terrible that you'll have to work weekends for the rest of the year. Hopefully you will get some days off...??

    Poor Leo is going through a lot - but I'm glad he's in good hands and getting the best of care.
    I've always liked lady bugs and knew they brought good luck, but I didn't know all the other things you mentioned.

  2. It looks like you and your hubby had a great weekend! Love all the pictures! I am so sorry about Leo! Sending healing prayers! Love the lady bug! Big Hugs Kim!

  3. Glad you had a good weekend with friends. I never heard that about ladybugs. So charming. Oh, I hope Leo is doing better. Poor boy. Enjoy your day and stay cool.
