Friday, October 22, 2021

Food for Thought Friday

 Happy Friday! 

This week, I sent my buddy Moose a Halloween card. My friend Renee (Moose's mommy) responded in kind ...

"Thank you so much for Moose's Halloween card! He's proudly showing it off!! Perfect timing to cheer him up as he was at the vet again yesterday for that gooey eye." 🤦‍♀️😁🎃

Have a blessed day, my friends!!


  1. What an adorable photo of Moose and his Halloween card. Thanks for the origins of Samhain and Halloween traditions. I never knew the origin of black and orange.

  2. Food service is slow. 🎃 Moose's expression reminds me of Ink. Ink was always so serious. Have a good weekend!
