Sunday, October 24, 2021

Sunday This and That

Blessed Sunday! It would appear that the fall weather has finally arrived. Yesterday, it was much cooler and today even cooler than that. We turned the heat on in the house this morning because it is so chilly.

Last night, Chester decided to camp out in the garage for the first time. So, today I made a run to our local Pet Smart store and picked up a comfy little cat bed and a water dish for him. I hope he uses them! ...

A heavy blanket is forthcoming. We still have to get him as well as all of our house cats flea treatment before we can even think about giving Chester shelter downstairs in our basement for the up-comig winter months, Fingers crossed.

Some gratuitous cat pics - Ginger posing pretty ...

And Leo begging for MORE of his cat food as usual. Poor guy never gets fed ... LOL!

Merlin James in a rare moment of relaxing ...

Leo decided to take over the other cat bed I bought today ...

Butterscotch just chilling on the couch ...

And finally, here is Bill's song pic of the week ...


  1. I love your kitty family. They all look so healthy and content. Hopefully Chester will be flea-free by winter.

    We had delightfully cool weather for a week, but today it's 75 again and all the annoying insects have returned. Thunderstorms expected for tomorrow (Monday).

  2. Love the kitties. I bought beds for Calli and Quill, but they prefer to sleep on the Young One's bed.
