Wednesday, October 27, 2021

The Ghost of "Mrs. Miller"

Well, since it is almost Samhain and Halloween I thought it would be the appropriate time to share a true ghost story with everyone. Years ago, I had a friend, Ginny, who bought a house on South 14th Street in Reading, PA where only she and her 10 year old son, Billy, lived. She shared some rather unsettleing stories about the events which happened there while they resided in that house.

To begin with, the woman who live there previously, "Mrs. Miller" (according to the woman's son) always wanted to die in her house, but sadly died in a hospital instead, leaving her son, Bill, to sell her house after her death. Enter my friend Ginny and her son Billy ...

She recalls the day the realtor showed her the house saying that, "I felt someone touch my shoulder, but when I looked into the big mirror in the living room, no one was there!" She remembers thinking how strange it was, but thought nothing more of it at that time. When she went back to the house with Mrs. Miller's son and daugther-in-law, she saw something even stranger - an image of a woman wearing a long white dress standing at the top of the steps to the second floor. She mentioned what she saw to them at that time telling them, "You are going to think I am crazy, but ..."  The daughter-in-law said, "They buried Bill's mother in that dress." 

Now, she decided to buy the house regardless and not long after they moved in other things began happening. One time upon coming home from picking her son Billy up from school as she walked through the front door she saw her glass rose (a gift from her deceased aunt) dangling on the edge of her living room coffee table. When she took a step toward it, it fell to the floor and broke into pieces. Other things went on as well such as blankets being thrown on the living room floor when NO ONE was home at the time - not even her son.

When Ginny decided to perform some renovations to the house, Mrs. Miller was NOT happy nor amused. Ginny recalls one evening while they were watching television in the living room her framed Footprints which she had hanging on the wall flew across the room and shatterd on the floor. When I asked Ginny one time "why" she stayed in that house after these types of events, she said, "I never really felt threatened by Mrs. Miller, she just wanted me to KNOW how she felt about someone else living in HER house."

I, myself, was in that house several times and the only time I felt strange was upstairs where the bathroom was - you had to pass the door to the attic first to get there.

Honestly, I have had my own experiences with "ghosts"/spirits in my own home, but never experienced anything close to what Ginny and her son had. More about that in a later post. 


  1. Wow! I'm not sure I would have stayed.

    1. Yeah, I am pretty damned sure that I would not have stayed! LOL!

  2. This is a fascinating post and so appropriate for this spooky time of year. I definitely believe in ghosts and spirits - because I had numerous experiences of my own.
